Beauty and fashion blogger, Flo the stylist has urged people to not associate proper hygiene with skin colour. This comes after an ongoing concern in today’s society where lighter skinned people are deemed more attractive and beautiful than their darker counterparts, otherwise known as ‘Colourism’.
This is a form of discrimination based on skin tone, perpetuated by the global beauty industry and unfortunately,society itself.
Research has shown that sales of skin-lightening products are projected to reach $8.9 billion by 2024 due to a rapid thirst and need for fairer skin, especially among women.
In her post, Flo emplasizes that being dark skinned is not a sign of ‘kusageza’ (bad hygiene). In a world where dark skinned people are made to feel inferior and less attractive or desirable, this is truly a word in season.
Below is the post the shared on her Facebook page;
“Munhu anogeza haasi munhu mutsvuku chete. Statement reku to kugeza rinowanzoshandiswa pavanhu vakatsvuka vane flawless skin, asi kugeza simply means mune ari smart, munhu asina hutsvina , zvisinei kuti wakatsvuka here or wakasviba.
Kune vanhu who think kutsvuka ndokuti munhu anogeza.
Ndawona paLast post pane vafunga kuti maWool hats anzi ndeevanhu “vanogeza” meaning those who have flawless skin, light skinned , maSalad.
Yes ndozvatajaira kuti munhu akanzi anogeza we think anofanira akatsvuka, ane skin yakatsetseka.
By kugeza we just mean munhu anogeza achisara akachena.
Kune vanhu vakatsvuka zvekuzvarwa nazvo asi vasingageze. Koitawo munhu mutema Tema asi achigeza chaizvo.
Pano when we say munhu anogeza we just mean munhu anogeza achisara akachena, munhu ane hutsanana.”
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