Our Story

Nyaradzo Mashayamombe host of Identites Conversations
Identities Media Holdings (IMH) emerged as an outcome of founder Nyaradzo Mashayamombe’s own identity searching. She breaks away from traditional gender norms in African and other cultures. Nyari, as her friends and family calls her, came to the realization that she had a gift of engaging in meaningful dialogue.
As an informed human rights activist and as an African woman, she would talk with others experiencing their own identity struggles and realizations. In the process, she would offer encouragement to be comfortable with who they are, to build their confidence, to own their bodies, and to demystify myths about womanhood and manhood. Nyari would engage in a new identity; as independent producer and host of media programming to lead these conversations and story telling.
IMH became one of the few women-owned media platforms in Zimbabwe and ultimately Africa. Even the programming has separate but related identities: television, radio, social media, podcasts and many more that are in the pipeline. Through these outlets, relationships evolve between individuals and institutions, including politics, social and humanitarian issues, lifestyle, and more.
People are encouraged to examine their stereotypes, prejudices and boxed thinking. Institutional issues are challenged to confront their comfort zones typically dominated by men. Among these are the household, the community, and politics.
Citizens are encouraged to discover that holding leadership accountable and participating in nation building are central to the success of public institutions, the nations and ultimately in moving Africa forward. The Identities Umhlobo Zvatiri TV Show, The #IdentitiesConversations and Potdcasts feature social, economic, and political issues as they affect the citizens. The show’s presentation, however, offers fun and truthful conversations and events.
Nyaradzo is a firm believer of Africans rising and contributing to their own development, thats why as a philanthropist she created this social enterprise to generate income for a number of reasons: Firstly that she may donate to causes like her Non Profit/NGO Tag a Life International (TaLI) contributing to community and continental development, that secondly she may improve her own life, and demonstrate to girls, women and youths that once one put their mind to something, they will achieve whatever they dream of. She says entrepreneurs and philanthropists such as Strive Masiiwa have inspired her in the philosophy of enterprising and philanthropy. As a singer/ song writer, poet and development expert, Nyaradzo believes that all these are vehicle of making the world a safe place, changing the world and doing what one can.