Illegal mining a danger to environment
By Letwin Mazarura
The increase in illegal mining activities is threatening the country’s infrastructure and environment, the Environmental Management Agency (Ema) has said.
A number of infrastructure have been reportedly destroyed due to veldfires which started from the illegal mining activities in various areas nationwide.
This was revealed in a recent environmental report which looked at the period between July 31, 2021 to October 15, 2021.
EMA said during the stipulated period, illegal mining contributed to 42,81% towards veldfires, land clearing constituted 2,89% and arson 28,3%.
“A total of 263 veldfire incidents that burnt 61 982 12 hectares were reported in the week ending October 15, 2021,” the report said.
EMA said this year, since the beginning of the veldfire season, 3 673 fire incidents which burnt 846 707 32 hectares of land were recorded.
“The cumulative burnt area translates to 55,88% increase compared to the same period in 2020 where 543 166 97 hectares were burnt from the recorded 944 veldfire incidents.
“The average area burnt from the 3 673 fire incidents, in 2021 is 230,52 hectares while in 2020 the average area burnt from 944 fire incident was 575,39 hectares. Average area burnt is affected by available biomass and the active participation of local communities in firefighting.”
EMA said veldfires destroyed agricultural produce, equipment, household property and plantations worth US$370 837 00, and killed five people.
EMA encourage the communities to work together in making sure the environment is protected as it’s benefits are for the community and nation a large.
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