Intwasa movie on silence culture released.
By Letwin Mubonesi
Intwasa Arts Festival in Bulawayo produced a short film titled ‘Date Night’ which looks at the culture of silence when girls or young women are raped.
It premiered on Amplifying Girls Voices TV channel on YouTube last week.
The short film is part of the Amplifying Girls Voices Through Digital Arts project supported by Plan International and the Finnish Foreign Affairs government branch.
The movie was written by Faith Moyo, directed by William Nyandoro and produced by Raisedon Baya.
Amplifying Girls Voices Through Digital Arts is a platform for women and girls to talk about issues affecting in their daily lives.
The film cast includes; Michelle Moyo, Clinton Ndlovu, Sithandazile Dube, Princess Masuku, Lindsey Murombwi and Michelle Dlamini.
Intwasa administrator Runyararo Mutandi, said that the main point of the short film is to use art as a tool to trigger conversation on issues affecting young women and girls that are generally not being spoken about.
“In August, we produced a film on child marriages, but Date Night focuses on date rape, a form of rape where the victim is in some form of relationship with the perpetrator.
The film’s story revolves around a girl who goes to say goodbye to her boyfriend because she is going to university.
The boyfriend, however, has other plans. It gets physical and then silent,” she said.
Intwasa together with Amplifying Girls Voices Project uses film as a tool of advocacy and empowerment of young girls. It is also used in building their confidence so that they are able to speak up, amplify their voices against any form of abuse directed at girls and young women.
The Producer, Baya said, “The messages, debate or engagements that arise from the films are very important. They are the reason we are making these films,” .
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