By Florence Zirima
(Gender Reporter)
Tag a Life International (TaLI) in partnership with the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Fojo Media Institute and International Media Support (IMS) has launched the Freedom of Information Campaign this Thursday to publicize the Freedom of Information Act so that citizens especially women, girls and female journalists use the law to access information.
Speaking during the launch which was beamed live on Identies Media TV Facebook page, Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa said the new law will go a long way to improve the lives of people in accessing any information they require.
Minister Mutsvangwa highlighted the importance of the Freedom of Information Act which replaced the unpopular Access to Information and Protection Privacy Act (IPPA). She said that no one should be left behind in accessing the information.
“As a ministry of the Second Republic, we want to work with everybody and we need to rebrand our Zimbabwe,” she said.
She also revealed that rebranding Zimbabwe is not only government responsibility but also the role of all media institutions to make sure that the public is informed.
Minister Mutsvangwa has guaranteed the safety of journalists as they carry out their duties.
“We as a ministry fought to make sure that the media are all designated as an essential service and they have a critical role to play in containing the Covid-19 pandemic as they inform the public,” she added.
Minister Mutsvangwa also urged journalists to be responsible during the discharge of their duties.
“Being a journalist does not mean you are above the law, so responsibility is very important,” said Minister Mutsvangwa.
The campaign is running under the theme “#MyFreedomofInformation #MFoI” and is being promoted by 33 mostly female journalist ambassadors across Zimbabwe’s 10 provinces.
Tag a Life International (TaLI) Fojo Media Institute Identities Media TV
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