By Staff Writer
Chamisa has come under fire and the women’s movement in Zimbabwe is calling for a national apology following his hackling of his wife at the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDCA)’s recent 20 year anniversary celebrations.
The call by the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ) comes as a result of a video circulating on social media of the incident in which Mr Chamisa is seen forcibly hackling the microphone away from his wife in the first 37 seconds as she addresses the MDC supporters during celebrations.
As Mrs Chamisa is speaking on the microphone paying tribute to the MDC founding couple Mr and Mrs Tsvangirai, Mr Chamisa first approaches his wife from the back and he goes away briefly and then immediately comes back and grabs the microphone from his wife in public view. He says ‘zvakwana’ its enough, as he takes over. The wife is seen visibly shaken and shocked by this public embarrassment from Mr Chamisa and she goes off stage.
The Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ) in there Press Statement said Chamisa’s actions smacked of discrimination and disrespect for women.
“The disrespect by Mr Chamisa is in violation of the Constitution of Zimbabwe section 52, 56, 17 and 80 amongst other provisions on women’s rights and gender equality. His actions are a gross disrespect for both the Supreme Law of the land and women who constitute more that 52% of the population of Zimbabwe thereby perpetuating and reinforcing patriarchy.”
“As the women of Zimbabwe, we can only interpret this behaviour to be an act of discrimination on the grounds of gender. This case thus represents thousands of women, globally on the frontlines of gender stereotype,” WCoZ said in a statement.
The women’s statement went on expressing its disappointment especially from a leader like Chamisa from the opposition which is supposed to otherwise demonstrate better the tenets of democracy which include gender equality and respect for women.
Chamisa is not new to the chauvinism and sexist actions in public. He once promised his 18 year old to Mnangagwa if Mnangagwa on elections. He is on record for mistreating senior female founder members in his political party which include Jessy Majome and Thokozani Khupe.
He has been unpopular with progressive women and men in Zimbabwe for his careless public statement for the disrespect of women and girls. During the elections of 2018, it took The Elders visit to Zimbabwe for Chamisa to public speak against the sexism, harassment and abuse of women by his party supporters who often fan derogatory words like ‘Mahure’ to women who oppose their views, meaning a as a leader, Chamisa is a perpetrator of abuse of women passively or in action as all these encounters demonstrate.
The statement further reads; “Hence, we ask the following fundamental questions, if influential highly esteemed men can subject women to such gender stereotype while the whole world is watching, what more behind closed doors?”
Generally Nelson Chamisa exhibits student-like behaviour in the way he handles and deals with himself publicly especially the behaviour of careless offensive speeches towards women and girls and the recent hackling of his wife. Chamisa seems to not realise the level of leadership he caries and how he should be rather demonstrating to men and boys who both support and do not support his political party how women and girls should be treated.
Nelson Chamisa should be held accountable by women and men in his political party who otherwise associate with him and whose names may also be tarnished if they tolerate this kind of behaviour from their leader.
“If men who are considered to be role models with higher appreciation of women’s rights can publicly violate such rights, what message does this send out to the general populace and citizens who look up to them for leadership and inspiration,” read the statement.
“We therefore call upon Mr Chamisa to issue a public apology and respect women in his speech and action for both private and public spaces, Political party leaders to ensure that the conduct of their leaders and members in all platforms is not in violation of women’s rights and is in compliance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe,” said WCoZ.
According to the group Chamisa is in violation of the country’s Constitution that guarantees rights to all citizens including women. His behaviour is believed to threaten free participation of women and girls in public life if the leaders will embarrass them in public like this.
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