Every citizen has wishes and dreams. Dreams such as a respectable and successful life, where they have access to good health, good education systems, public services such as hospitals, roads and infrastructure that support citizens interests.
In most developing countries however, governments have made it difficult for citizens to realize their dreams. The dreams are closely linked to human rights such as citizens’ rights to life and their rights to education among others.
The ZBC TV programme Identities/Umhlobo hosted by Nyaradzo Mashayamombe revealed that in developing countries such as Zimbabwe the way governments ignore citizens’ rights makes it almost impossible for citizens to realize their dreams.
Sarafina Makwazi a resident of Epworth in Harare speaking during one of the shows emphasized the need to have better opportunities for a better life but said this was difficult under circumstances where education and employment opportunities are hard to come by. As a result, the youth suffer subsequent poverty due to lack of education and unemployment.
Another guest on the show, Peter Anota, lamented the fact that hospitals in Zimbabwe were operating without appropriate drugs for patients. He said the situation was an indictment on the government and it made residents angry. This, he said, was one of the reasons why citizens went into the streets en mass on November 18, 2017 resulting in the resignation of the then president Robert Mugabe under the dream of a better and new Zimbabwe under the leadership of the new president Emmerson Mnangagwa.

A lot of patients die unattended and the situation is compounded by the prices of available drugs in private pharmacies that are beyond the reach of many. Such factors compromised citizens’ right to life and the ability to realize their dreams.
During the popular talk show, the guest citizens also pointed to the implementation of policies and laws as a cause for concern as the government was found lacking in that area. They noted that the government had proposed the Education Bill that was well received by citizens but they expressed doubt that it would be implemented properly.
This has been a problem with many of African governments because they have a tendency of not implementing what they promise the people.
Corruption has been one of the factors thwarting citizens’ ambitions and this has caused the country to lag behind in terms of development. If citizens are to realize their dreams in a corruption free society, the government should take a leaf from China where corruption attracts severe penalties that include the death sentence.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has spoken against corruption but citizens still need to see government’s effective action against the scourge.
Makwazi also noted during the show that sometimes agreements made between government and foreign companies worked against citizens’ aspirations. She cited the deals made in Marange, Manicaland Province, where foreign companies benefited from diamond mining more than the citizens who continued to languish in poverty among plenty as it were.
It is a shared dream amongst progressive Zimbabweans that the government should create an environment that enables citizens to realize their dreams if Zimbabwe is to move forward.
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